How did Peter walk on water and what can we learn from it?

The story of Peter walking on water is well known to Christians. Considered to be one of the most spectacular and breathtaking things that has ever happened to any man who believed in the Lord Jesus, this miracle continues to be one of the most sought-after experiences by any person - this writer included.

How did Peter do it? How did he walk on a naturally "un-walk-able" surface? Is there anything we can learn from his experience?

When the word of God stirs up faith

Many of us concoct our own ideas and explanations as to how Peter walked on water. Peter, being a fisherman, knew that no man on earth can ever walk on water, let alone a rough sea (see Matthew 14:24). He couldn't have possibly thought of walking on water at a time like that.

We see, however, a very important key to his faith experience here: He saw Jesus walking on water. Matthew 14:25-26 records for us,

"Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear."

Picture yourself as one of the disciples on that boat that was being tossed to and fro by the waves. Pretty scary, right? Then suddenly you see someone walk on water as if it was smooth, solid ground. And that someone who walks on water is Jesus.

Peter saw the Lord Jesus do what was impossible. Peter saw the Lord doing what no man on earth could ever do, defying the laws of physics and gravity and anything common sense has to say. Perhaps, this sight caused him to think:

"If my Master can walk on water..."

"Can He make me do that too?"

Peter, still in shock at what he was seeing, only had one thing in mind: "Is this my Master? If He is, then will He allow me to walk on water like He did?"

Well, Peter was unable to hide his thoughts and blurted out, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water" (see Matthew 14:28).

The Lord Jesus, confirming His identity before the disciples, simply said the word that Peter would've been both excited and fearful to hear: "Come" (see Matthew 14:29).

And because the Lord told him to come, Peter did indeed get out of the boat and walk on the water. Although his walking-on-water experience was short-lived because his fear caused him to sink, the truth is that he was able to walk on water.

How did he do that? He did it by faith.

When we believe God's word

Friends, this scenario isn't that hard to understand. The disciples were in the middle of a wavy sea, then Jesus shows up walking on water. The disciples start fearing for their lives, but Jesus calms them down. Peter, however, refusing to simply calm down, asks Jesus for proof, and that proof is by letting him walk on water like He did.

We find a few key points in the scenario, all of them crucial to our miracle:

  • Jesus has to reveal Himself (He did by walking on water while the disciples watched Him),
  • We need to seek Him (Peter did when he asked Jesus for a sign),
  • We need to receive His word (that single "come" was enough for Peter),
  • And we need to walk out in faith (faith allowed Peter to get out of the boat).

Friends, no matter how many prayers are prayed over us, no matter how many prophetic utterances are uttered over us, no matter how clear the instruction God gives to us; we will never get to see our miracle unless we believe in Him and act on our belief in Him.

We've got to act in response to Christ by faith.