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600 coins and a bronze monkey found beneath medieval German church

Renovations of a medieval church in Germany have led to the discovery of over 1,000 artifacts, with some dating back to the church's founding in the 13th century. …


Christians provided for after Islamist attacks

International Christian Concern (ICC) a Christian charity that seeks to ease and make known the plight of persecuted Christians worldwide, has shared the story of a believer in Kenya whose life was nearly destroyed by Islamist militants. …

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    What is Christian Reconstructionism?

    Some find its promise invigorating and transformative; others fear that proximity to power creates intoxicating intolerance among those who imbibe it; sterner critics consider it a toxic mixture that has strayed far from the New Testament model. …

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  • Lent campaign encourages people to give back, not just give up


    This Lent season, Christian charity Stewardship is relaunching its generosity challenge, 40acts, in partnership with Gospel Entrepreneurs, The Way UK, and Sanctuary Foundation. …

  • What use is a Christian MP?


    Everyone in politics brings their own worldview and values to every debate, and it is important that we challenge the assumption that a non-religious outlook is somehow neutral and objective. …

  • Sowing life, honouring the fallen


    Jewish academic and Hebrew scholar Irene Lancaster reflects on Tu B'Shvat, the New Year for Trees, and its special significance as Israel awaits the release of the remaining hostages. …

  • What should we make of celebrity conversions?


    From Bob Dylan to Kanye West, the fate of many celebrity converts to the faith demonstrates that the Church needs less idolatry, more grace, and more than a pinch of salt. …

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