HoloLens vs HTC Vive vs Oculus Rift specs: How do the VR headsets compare?

Virtual reality gaming, although a new frontier, is becoming one of the hottest trends in the business. Most major players in the gaming industry now have a stake in VR gaming, developing games and peripherals that would cater to VR players. 

Three of the most talked-about VR headsets that are building up their reputations for gaming audiences are also made by tech giants – Microsoft with the HoloLens, Valve and HTC with the Vive, and Oculus with the Rift. What can consumers expect from these three top headsets? 

Oculus Rift 

Oculus RiftOculus website

Although it started out as a Kickstarter campaign last year, the Rift project soared with funding by social media giant Facebook. Further developments led to the Rift releasing a dev kit for further refinement, and a new partnership with Microsoft will see the Rift be drastically improved for its final consumer version. 

The consumer version of the Rift, due for release in 2016, will have adjustable lenses and built-in VR audio. To fully get a rich VR experience, the Oculus Rift will need a mid-ranged to premium-specs PC setup. 


Microsoft HoloLens 

Microsoft website

With its recent partnership with Oculus, it seems that Microsoft will be focusing on the Rift as its sole gaming VR headset, even having services like its upcoming Windows 10 platform and Xbox One products support Rift capabilities. Meanwhile, the company has its own HoloLens, which might be rolled out configured to fully enrich a Windows experience rather than a gaming one. Microsoft touts the HoloLens as a peripheral that would bring augmented reality and will streamline productivity for users. 


Vive VR headset 


This collaboration between game bigwig Valve and tech giant HTC is a dedicated gaming headset. Set to be released before the year ends, the Vive is set to enrich gaming experience with superb graphics and excellent audio. In addition, the Vive is set to receive game support from Valve's own Steam network, and so gamers can expect some big, triple-A titles to make it to the VR headset's support list. 

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