What do Jesus Christ and heaven look like? Writer describes encounter during coma


In another account of an afterlife experience to hit shelves, book author Steven Musick says heaven is filled with "brilliant" scenes, "like HD on steroids," and that Jesus Christ looks like "a weightlifter" or a "body builder."

These are just some of the details that Musick shared about his afterlife experience in his new book Life After Heaven: How My Time in Heaven Can Transform Your Life on Earth.

Speaking to Faithwire, Musick said he nearly died when a nurse injected him with an antidote to the swine flu vaccine, which earlier caused him severe allergic reaction. The vaccine was given him years ago when he was still working with the U.S. Navy.

He said he passed out at the hospital right after the injection was given. He later found out that he had been in a coma for five weeks.

It was during that five-week period when Musick recalled going to heaven and meeting Jesus.

"The most dramatic part for me of heaven itself was the sense of being inside pure joy," he recounted, adding that "there's nothing that I could tell you today that would give you an inkling of what it's like to be in that place."

Musick continued, "It's being absolutely held tight and yet totally free at the same time."

He said he found himself in "an outdoors or agrarian environment that included a large oak tree, a massive wheat field, rolling hills and mountains."

But the biggest highlight of his "trip to heaven" was his meeting with Jesus. He said the two of them walked arm-in-arm and had an amazing conversation.

"Jesus was in his early 30s, long flowing brunette hair, hazel eyes, dark complexion," he said. "He's not overly large, but he's massively built. You would think that he's a weightlifter, a body builder."

Towards the end of their conversation, Musick said it felt "painful" when Jesus told him that he wouldn't be able to stay in heaven.

Immediately after that, he said he woke up in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

In April 2015, The Christian Post reported about a 12-year-old girl who also had an afterlife experience where she met Jesus.

Annabel Wilson fell from a 30-foot tall tree outside her family's home in Texas in December 2011. Miraculously, she survived the accident without a major injury. Her experience became the subject of a book titled Miracles from Heaven, which was later made into a movie.

Days after the accident, Annabel told her parents about her visit to heaven and meeting with Jesus. "I went to heaven when I was in that tree. I sat in Jesus' lap," she said.

She described Jesus' appearance: "He had a beautiful long white robe, dark skin and a big beard — kinda like Santa Claus, but not really."

Last month, Texas Pastor Randy Frazee of Oak Hills Church said the description of heaven as a place where "spirits float on clouds and sing all day" is not the vision that God wanted people to have, according to The Christian Post.

Speaking to Christian talk show host Janet Mefferd, Frazee said, "God's plan of redemption ... it's not us up there, it's us down here."

"It's not us as spirit beings, it's us as resurrected ... bodies. It's not God up there, but it's God down here, walking with us like He did with Adam and Eve," the multi-site church pastor said.