5 pieces of evidence that Jesus rose from the dead

To Christians, Jesus's death, burial and resurrection is central to our faith, so it's always a good time to reflect more on what God's redemptive work means to us.


But is the message of Christ's resurrection really true? 1 Corinthians 15:14 tells us, "And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." The resurrection is the stamp that seals our victory in Jesus's name.

So what is our assurance that Jesus indeed rose from the dead? Here are five pieces of evidence that assure as that Jesus is indeed risen.

1. Matching accounts in the Gospels

Not all accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are identical. Some numbers are off and some parables are told a little differently, but one thing that all accounts agree on is that Jesus rose from the dead three days after he was buried.

Matthew and John are both direct accounts written about personal experiences with a resurrected Jesus. Mark is a reliable, first-hand relay of experiences Peter had with Jesus as Mark worked most closely with him. Luke is also a credible account from a physician who would rather look at facts and numbers than tall tales.

2. Empty tomb

One thing is for sure -- Jesus's tomb is empty until this day. There have been many failed archaeological studies that claimed to have found Jesus's remains, but there is not one that has proven to be at all reliable.

Then there is the account written of an execution, signed by Pontius Pilate, of an innocent man named Yeshua on the request of Jewish people. So if Jesus is really dead, why hasn't a body been found?

3. Paul's transformational account

Acts 9 tells the account of Saul's conversation to Paul. In Acts 9:5, an exchange is made, "And he said, 'Who are you, Lord?' And he said, 'I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.'" If Jesus was truly dead then who appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus?

4. Multiple testimonies

Aside from the testimonies of the four authors of the Gospels, there are numerous others that proclaim the resurrection of Jesus. There's the account of the women visitors, of a doubting Thomas who later believed, and dozens of other disciples and followers who claimed to have interacted with Jesus.

5. Martyrdom of apostles

While anyone can discount a large group of Jesus's followers as liars who made the story of Jesus's resurrection up, it's hard to imagine how all of them would succumb to a painful martyr's death for the sake of a "lie."

Not one person gave up on the message of a resurrected Jesus, which can only mean one thing -- they believed He was alive because He is alive.