Tim Tebow dating Jana Duggar rumors; Christian stars could be in courtship


This year, "19 Kids and Counting" star Jana Duggar watched her younger sisters Jill and Jessa exchange "I Dos" with Derrick Dillard and Ben Seewald. Jill is now expecting a baby, and Jessa might be on her way there soon, too. But Jana herself has not been associated with news about courtship and weddings. That may finally change soon though, because rumor has it that, at last, a romance may be brewing between the 24-year-old Duggar darling and former Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.  

Speculations caught fire when Duggar patriarch Jim Bob met Tebow's mother Pam in Arkansas during the Loving Choices Pregnancy Center fundraising event last month. The Duggars expressed their delight in sharing the event with her through their official Facebook page. 

"We enjoyed hearing Pam Tebow (Tim's mom) share tonight at the Loving Choices crisis pregnancy center banquet! A great lady and a great cause!" reads the post. 

Christian Times also reported that the family has visited Pam in the past, too. Since the post was shared, many believe that Jana may finally don a wedding gown and walk the aisle. This may be too advanced to talk about, but the possibility is not to be discounted. 

Tim Tebow is famous for 'Tebowing' - getting down on one knee to pray at matchesAP

Many believe that the 2007 Heisman Trophy winner is the perfect guy for Jana. Just like the Duggar family, Tim is a devout Christian. When it comes to courtship rules, Jim Bob and Michelle won't have an issue with the current SEC Network analyst. Twenty seven-year-old Tebow is an admitted virgin. According to Star Magazine, as IB Times cited, Jim Bob knows all that already and he even has plans on bringing Jana closer to Tim. Besides, Jim Bob has put across that he is more than happy to welcome him to the family and to their hit TLC show "19 Kids and Counting," as Christian Times reported. 

"Jim Bob is no dummy," a source told Star as cited by IB Times. "Tim would be a perfect addition to the family and a feather in his cap. Can you imagine the press attention a Tim-Jana wedding would get?"