5 Bad Reasons To Leave A Church


Being a part of a church is something that God puts a heavy emphasis on, but sometimes it's a long road to finding the church we are called into. While God doesn't require us to stick with one church for the rest of our lives, believers can sometimes live on the opposite end of the extreme, jumping from one church to another - for all the wrong reasons.

There are plausible reasons to move to another church such as a change in calling, a change of location or even a call to plant another church. But sometimes Christians can also leave a church for some really terrible reasons. Here are five bad reasons to leave a church that can even hurt us in the long run too.

1. Being offended by a brother or sister in Christ

Offense happens in any spiritual family. Because the body of Christ is filled with people from different walks and with differing opinions, we will not always agree and get along. And that can cause friction. But rest assured if you leave a church to transfer to a different one, the offense never disappears. It in fact continues to fester with time until we allow God to move in reconciliation by confronting and not running away from conflict.

2. Not feeling "fed" by the pastor

Sure it's the pastors job to "feed" us with the word through preaching, but it's also our job too. Jude 20-21 (emphasis added) tells us, "But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life." As the pastor edifies, we are also to learn how to edify ourselves in the process.

3. Not wanting to get involved

The church is not a bleacher stadium filled with seats for spectators. It's a basketball court where every believer is called to play a part and contribute to the team. Any church you go to, God will call you to get involved because He wants you to use your gifts, skills and talents to bless the body of Christ.

4. Disagreeing with some doctrine

Sure there are non-negotiables when it comes to doctrine, but there are also many secondary issues that don't have to come in between relationships. My senior pastor and I don't agree when it comes to teachings on eschatology, tattoos and Pokemon Go, but that's not a reason enough for me to leave the church, and neither should it be for you.

5. Feeling that you don't need church

We will always need family. The early believers gathered in community not because they wanted to but because they had to. Fellowship builds up our faith and makes sure that our fire for God does not die down. When we are removed of church fellowship, we are exposed and unaccountable and that never ends well.  In addition to that, it's harder to edify and bless other members of Christ's body if we're not spending time with them.  You may not realize it, but your church and the people in it need you more than you think.