3 Tips For Finding Peace In The Midst Of Turmoil


"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace."

Colossians 3:15

How can we gain peace at times when the things around us are anything but peaceful? Is it possible to have internal peace in the absence of external peace? On our own, it's hard, but with Christ in us, yes it is.

There could be lots of things robbing you of your peace today - debt, relational strife, career pressures, family needs, income problems, and many other things. But in the midst of all of this, there is a God who paid dearly so that you may have peace in Him. That's what Jesus said to us and says to us today so that in Him we may find peace - that He has overcome the world and anything that may try to rob us of our peace (John 16:33).

Colossians 3:15 offers 3 really helpful pointers for how we can experience peace even in the midst of the greatest turmoil.

Let Christ rule in your heart

Unless Jesus is in charge, our peace will forever be determined by the peace that surrounds us. Only Jesus brings the substance of things hoped for and things unseen - faith. Apart from Jesus there is very little hope for a better tomorrow, and apart from Him the tribulations of this world cannot be overcome.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace and is the very being of peace. It is by His Spirit that we are given the fruit of peace that stems from the love that casts away all fear. Peace starts with Jesus and ends with Him too.

Remain in the body

Church community, family, friendships and accountability groups are all God's design to bring refuge to those who are troubled. As Paul instructed the church of Colossae to remain in fellowship with one another to keep the peace of Christ, so does he instruct us to do the same today.

The church after all is the body of Christ, through which we experience the very being of Jesus not always in a perfect way but by which we get the best possible glimpse of the compassion and love of our Lord.

Remember that God calls you into peace

Peace is not just an option for believers, but a destiny - something we are called into. To be outside of peace is to be apart from Christ and to be apart from Christ is to be absent from the Father's presence. Peace is not just suggested, it is commanded and must then be taken seriously by all who believe in Christ.

Apart from Christ's peace, we cannot walk in His ways and cannot walk according to His purpose. But found in His peace, we are given ability to serve Him and others in a way that honors God.