World Vision Educates Mission School Teachers in Liberia

World Vision has undertaken a new training programme in public and private mission schools in in Liberia. World Vision, one of the world's leading relief and development agencies, has trained 178 teachers, allowing them to benefit from a three-day refresher workshop programme.
Kenneth Harding, the Project Officer for Health Education at World Vision Liberia told how the refresher workshops were intended to revitalise teachers to empower them to teach children how to prevent diseases such as malaria, HIV/Aids among many others, according to All Africa news.

Harding reported that they were not only educating the teachers in health and education but were also providing the mission schools with health kits. He said that the workshops were held with substantial funding from the World Vision branch in Switzerland in addition to the Swiss government.

A wide and varied range of topics were discussed over the workshops including Counselling and Abuse, First Aid, HIV/AIDS, various types of STDs, reproductive health system and personal hygiene.

The workshops were held in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, and participants came from numerous public and private mission schools across Montserrado County.

These series of workshops are the second set that have been held, and Harding recalled that more than 150 teachers had also benefited from a very similar workshop in 2004 in Grand Cape Mount and Montserrado Counties.

Many participants commended World Vision’s work in Liberia at the close of the workshops, and told how the forums had been greatly helpful to them. It is now hoped that the training given will aid the leaders to educate their students at a much higher level than previously.

In addition, many of the trainees were so thrilled about how much they had learnt over the course they requested for a continuous level of training to be set up so that the skills they acquire can have an even greater and prolonged impact on their students.