Pastor Robert Jeffress slams Joe Biden's terrorism statements as 'absolutely ridiculous'

Robert Jeffress says, 'Unless we do something, we are going to be victims of continued radical Islamic terrorism.'Wikipedia

Pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Dallas Church does not see eye to eye with United States Vice President Joe Biden when it comes to terrorism.

Biden recently told The Atlantic, "Terrorism is a real threat, but it's not an existential threat to the existence of the democratic country of the United States of America. Terrorism can cause real problems. It can undermine confidence. It can kill relatively large numbers of people. But terrorism is not an existential threat."

In response to Biden's statements, Jeffress spoke with Fox Business and said the vice president's beliefs were "absolutely ridiculous."

"Whether we're talking about Turkey, Nice, San Bernardino, Orlando, or now Virginia, all of these attacks share one denominator — they were committed by radical Islamic terrorists," the pastor said.

"Not one of these terrorists, before he committed these atrocities, shouted out 'Jesus Christ is great.' It's always 'Allah is great.' For Joe Biden and our government to not acknowledge this reality is a dereliction of duty that will lead to further attacks," he warned.

Jeffress added that America is only "one or two more ISIS attacks away" from Republican nominee Donald Trump being elected as the next president of the United States. "Unless we do something, we are going to be victims of continued radical Islamic terrorism," he said.

The pastor has been very vocal about his support for Trump. Between Trump and his opponent Hillary Clinton, Jeffress said Trump is the better option because "at least he likes us."

During an interview on the radio programme Right Wing Watch, Jeffress said those who remain committed to opposing Trump are simply "weak," "namby-pamby" and too "proud" because they "can't get over the fact that their candidate didn't win" in the Republican primary.

The pastor, who has met with Trump over the past year on several occasions, has given his assurance to Christians that Trump will always be on their side. "I can tell you, if he becomes president, evangelical Christians will have a true friend in the White House," he asserted.