3 Great Answers to 'If God Is Good, Why Is There Evil in the World?'


Probably one of the most popular and most asked question by many sceptics (and even Christians on many occasions as well) is this: "If God Is good, why is there evil in this world?"

It's not always for us Christians to give answers to tough questions. It might be because we don't take time to seek answers or we think that "just believing" is enough to bring us by. But the truth is that there is an answer to every question and through the leading of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of elders we can and should answer such questions if we can.

1 Peter 3:15 urges us saying, "But in your hearts honour Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect."

On the question of God's goodness in the midst of the evils of this world, here are three answers that we can give.

1. No One Is Innocent

What must first be established is the standard of "goodness" that is required. Too many times, we limit goodness to simply being benevolent, doing good every now and then, and not committing any major crimes.

But God's standard of goodness is what matters more than ours, and His standard is absolute purity. In that aspect, none of us pass the test, and we would therefore all deserve eternal punishment. It's easy to question God's goodness when the only evils we consider are murder, terrorism and other heinous crimes.

But none of us are innocent and we all deserve God's judgment.

2. There Are Those Who Oppose God's Goodness

God is good, and He created everything in this world to be good as it says so in Genesis.

But there are those who oppose God. The greatest opposition comes from the devil who seeks to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). And while the opposition may be strong, we are assured that God is stronger and Jesus will come out victorious in the end.

There is no question that God is holy and good, but we are not. But in God's wisdom, He made a way for us to be redeemed not by our own works but by the finished work of Christ.

3. God Is Good, But He Is Also Merciful

God is good, but in His goodness He also offers mercy to all, even to us who have maligned and destroyed His holy name. But that doesn't mean that God wants to punish us all and send us to hell. God still desires for all to be with Him and even made a way through Christ.

John 1:12 says, "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."

In God's mercy, He allows all—even the seemingly evil beyond saving—to get the chance at redemption from eternal separation from Him.