Current page: Reporter / Andy Walton
About Andy Walton

Andy Walton is a Contributing Writer for Christian Today.
Andy Walton
Rob Bell's Holy Shift: It's preaching, but not as we know it
I do a thing from the Book of Joshua, a thing from Isaiah. On paper that should not work. It's half theological reflection and half standup comedy and guerilla theatre.
Nigeria: Two Christian men killed, three women and a baby kidnapped
The latest attack on Christians by extremist Muslims has seen a father and son were killed, and three women and a baby abducted, in an attack in Nigeria's northern state of Kano, in the largely Muslim area of Tudun Wada.
Houston floods show that churches should act first, ask questions later
If Christians throughout history had adopted the 'well, we weren't asked so we didn't do' approach, so much of the most influential Christian social action would never have happened. The Good Samaritan didn't ask permission before embarking on his action, and neither should we.
Illegal undercover monks - academics uncover the secret history of English Benedictines
New research shows the popular image of Benedictine monks might not be completely correct.
'With God, the impossibe happens' says man who proposed to his girlfriend in front of the Pope
An exiled Venezuelan politician has taken marriage proposals to the next level...
For whom the bell tolls: Why are we so bothered about Big Ben and the rest?
Who'd have thought that in the summer of 2017 once of the biggest news stories in the country would be about that rather old technology of bells?
Redemption is always on offer – even to the vilest bigot
Redemption is always on offer, even to the worst offenders.
Former KKK member turned priest says radical transformation possible through Jesus Christ
A Catholic priest in Virginia is temporarily stepping down after it came to light that he used to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Christian relief agency responds to 'widespread destruction' in South East Asian Floods
The floods that have hit south east Asia have caused widespread destruction and meant many families have lost everything. That's according to Christian relief agency Tearfund which estimates 16 million people have been affected by the severe flooding.
Conservative Cardinal continues to criticise confusion in Catholic Church
Cardinal Burke says, 'In a diabolical way, the confusion and error which has led human culture in the way of death and destruction has also entered into the church.'
Nebraska pastors say, 'White supremacy is blatantly sinful'
A group of 62 pastors has fired the latest volley in the ongoing war of words among evangelicals over their response to the Charlottesville protests.
Barcelona terror attack: Are we becoming desensitised to barbarity?
Maybe those of us who can only watch on in horror can fall victim to the banality of evil too.
Pastor Greg Boyd: 'America was founded as a white supremacist nation'
A leading white evangelical pastor is calling on Christians to recognise the white supremacy across America and for the Church to denounce it.
You can meet God anywhere, but are there special spiritual places?
Just how important are certain physical places to our faith as Christians?
Romanian Orthodox Church confronts bishop's sex tape scandal
Romania's Orthodox Church leaders are meeting in an extraordinary session to deal with a sex scandal involving one of its bishops.
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