God cannot make promises He cannot keep


Through the process of time, most of us would have received a revelation of God as the promise keeper, and I'm not talking about just knowing scriptures about it, but actually experiencing the faithful promises of God coming through in our lives. All this is made possible through the work of Jesus Christ. It is by Him and through Him that we receive these promises.

Psalm 89:14 tells us, "I will not violate my covenant or alter the word that went forth from my lips." God is most characterized by His unique ability to make and keep covenants. There is no one else on earth that can make a covenant apart from God.

What is a covenant? A covenant is not a contract. A contract is bound by conditions and regulations while a covenant is not bound by a person's ability to fulfill it or not. When God makes a covenant with us, He does not base it on our capacity to keep our end of the deal. God doesn't say, "Sure, I'll bless everyone, but only if they can keep their end of the bargain and stay pure and holy." If God was like that, there would be no one left on earth.

But one thing we can be sure of is when we can't keep our end of the deal, God will always keep the end of the deal. Numbers 23:19 says, "God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?"

When we can't keep our end of the deal, God makes His promises come to pass. But because God is a just God, arrangements have to be made. That's why the Father gave us Jesus Christ as the full atonement for our sins. When we couldn't keep our end of the deal, Jesus fulfilled the law for us so that we would receive the full promise of God through His given covenant.

Do you have a promise that you are claiming from God today? Know that there will never be a time that you can work out on your own to see those promises come to pass. But because of what Jesus has done and because of who He is, God's promises are "yes" and "amen." All He asks of us is to believe that His work on the cross is more than sufficient.

Jesus's death and resurrection isn't just a power that gives us life after this. It is also the power that gives us life here today on this earth. We can claim God's promises of a good life through Jesus Christ.