Christian Groups Welcome Tory Marriage Support

Christian charities have responded to a Conservative Party announcement this week outlining plans to support marriage through the tax system.

The Evangelical Alliance and CARE have welcomed the Conservative policy group's proposals to give single earner married couples a £20-a-week tax break.

The proposal is just one of 200 put forward by the Social Justice Policy Group, headed by former Conservative Party leader Iain Duncan Smith, in its report 'Breakthrough Britain: Ending the Costs of Social Breakdown'.

Other proposals include higher Working Tax Credit payments of £32-a-week for all couples.

Daniel Boucher, Director of Parliamentary Affairs at CARE welcomed the Social Justice Commission's Transferable Personal Allowance and Tax Credit proposals for which his organisation have long campaigned.

Boucher said, "There is no doubt that the current incentives for low to modest income couples with children not to marry are wrong-headed and irresponsible given the clear association between positive child development outcomes and marriage."

He continued, "The current arrangements strongly discriminate against couples. The greater 'moralising' is being done by those who support the current system, the financial incentives of which, far from being neutral, encourage many couples not to marry."

Dr R David Muir, the Evangelical Alliance's Public Policy Directory said, "The Alliance's Faith and Nation report recently called on the Government to promote laws and policies and financial incentives that strengthen marriage and family life as foundational for civil society.

"I therefore commend Iain Duncan Smith for his proposal to support marriage through the tax system."