Black pastor and BNP leader in live TV debate

A black British-born pastor is to debate live on TV tonight against BNP leader Nick Griffin.

The Rev George Hargreaves, leader of the Christian Party, is standing against Mr Griffin in the up-coming General Election as MP for Barking.

They will debate for one and a half-hours from 9am to 10.30pm before a live studio audience at a secret location. Organisers had hoped to host the event in the constituency, but no public building would grant access to Mr Griffin.

The two will respond to the motion: "This house believes that the election of any BNP MP or leader of a local authority will be detrimental to black and ethnic minority Christians in particular and the wider church in general in Britain."

Rev Hargreaves said: “We are grateful to Revelation TV for hosting and broadcasting this debate which will give people across the UK the opportunity to hear clear debate from a Christian leader and Mr Griffin who, in the past, has claimed that the BNP is the only credible party Christians should vote for.

"Churches across the UK have been advised of the debate and asked to urge members to tune in to listen, especially where we know BNP are putting up Parliamentary Candidates or running in local elections.

“We hope this debate, which will be recorded and available for use in churches and by community groups, will ensure that voters in the country concerned about the erosion of our national identity, particularly as a Christian nation might see that the BNP are not the answer but the Christian party is.”