3 ways to keep your spiritual growth from stalling


Lots of things can stop us from growing spiritually – not forgiving those who hurt us, scrimping on prayers or time in the Bible - and spiritual stagnation isn't anything to be ashamed of. It can happen to everyone and it isn't always a case of not doing enough or needing to do more. Here are some simple tips that can help you kickstart your spiritual growth.

Use rest as a route to recovery
Spiritual stagnation doesn't just occur when we stop devoting time to faith related activities, it can also occur when we're overloaded with commitments to the point where we become disconnected from our duties or the meaning behind them. Getting back to a point where we're able to grow in our faith sometimes means taking a step back from the contributions that we're making. After all, they're only made good when our intentions are right and our hearts are in it.

If you're feeling as though your spiritual growth is being stunted because you've recently taken on too much or are coming close to the point of burnout, take stock of your schedule, identify the tasks which are currently most demanding and the least impactful on your faith and put them on hold. By doing this you'll be able to use the free time to focus on improving your spiritual fitness and be able to better fulfil, and be fulfilled by, the contributions you continue to make.


Cut back and cut out any deadweight
Bad people, bad habits and a bad attitude can all stunt our spiritual growth. They hold us back, bring us down and are obstacles to growing closer to Christ.

Pruning is a necessary part of the Christian life and it's something that is necessary for us to advance in a spiritual sense. We might not always like to admit it but it's often pretty easy to determine the people, possessions or pursuits that we need to cut out of our lives. Don't lose heart if you can't go cold turkey immediately, work on replacing worldly distractions with faith-centred activities and keep the issue in your prayers. If you're reluctant to call out the areas in need of pruning or unsure of what they might be, talk to someone you trust about it.


Don't distance yourself from God
If you feel distant from God, you're more likely to distance yourself from Him by not praying as often or as passionately, not attending church and not studying His word. Avoiding each of these essential spiritual activities are only going to exacerbate your feelings of isolation.

It's essential to make a conscious and continual decision to draw closer to God during times when you feel that He isn't around or that you're drifting away from Him. Don't skip spending Sundays with Him, talking to Him about your fears and failures or searching for answers and guidance through His words. He will reward your efforts to stay close to Him and He will make you feel His presence again.