Current page: Reporter / Kelly Williams
Kelly Williams
God's peace and the world's peace are not the same thing
The peace of God is the opposite of all that the world has to offer.
Be thankful even in the drought of your life
Thanksgiving Day is a time to take inventory of what we are thankful to God for.
What does obedient leadership look like in the face of laws to kill babies?
What evil has God asked you to confront in your life? How is God asking you to stand for Him in your life? Like Elijah, are you doing it?
Dealing with hurt from a pastor's moral failure
Do you remember the first time in your life that someone you looked up to as a spiritual leader had a moral failure? I do.
Abortion and Kamala Harris' statement on faith
We now live in a country that doesn't want to protect the life of the unborn innocent child.
What does it take to be a great pastor?
But here's the problem: I don't feel great.
We have rendered to Caesar what belongs to God
We have a nation divided. If we turn, humble ourselves, and see His face, and turn from our wicked ways, we can heal our nation through prayer to Jesus.
A pastor's role in 2024 presidential politics
As a person, I am responsible for who I vote for in the 2024 presidential election. As a pastor, I am responsible for stewarding God's people and their questions regarding such matters pertaining to life and godliness - and politics would be one of those areas.
If David is a man after God's own heart, why so many wives?
This is important to see because God wanted His King to be a husband to one wife. So why was David a man after God's own heart with so many wives?
Did Jesus say 'love is love?'
The subtle movement from "God is love" to "Love is love" is not an accident.
A pastor's response to Tony Evans' and Robert Morris' moral failings
Lord, as a pastor and leader for your church, I say, "Forgive us Lord and purify us, the leaders of your church. We are the shepherds of your sheep. Don't let us brush it off or sadly we will fall into a greater grievance in the days ahead."
Bearing burdens for Jesus like Nehemiah
The burden the Lord has asked you to carry won't kill you, but quitting on God just may.
10 things I've learned as a pastor from reading the Bible 100 times
This one discipline has single-handedly changed the trajectory of my life and pastoral ministry.
Is it 'judgemental' to refuse to attend same-sex or transgender ceremonies?
Being judgemental for Christians and for our society has become the unpardonable sin and has placed a lot of pressure on people who are trying to live by what God's Word teaches.
A response to Alistair Begg's suggestion that Christians should attend same-sex weddings
Sometimes love requires you to choose Jesus over the human relationships of your life when their choices go against the life Jesus has called us to live.
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