Current page: Reporter / David Baker
About David Baker
David Baker is an Anglican minister and former daily newspaper journalist. He is a regular contributor to Christian Today.
David Baker
Bishop Cocksworth's startling admissions
A few days ago Bishop Christopher Cocksworth published some reflections about the Church of England's Living in Love and Faith (LLF) discussions on marriage, sexuality and gender.
RIP Church of England? Long live gospel Anglicanism
So this is the way the Church of England ends – not with a bang, nor even a whimper, but with a somewhat tortuous and at times embarrassingly bad debate.
Evangelicals may reject authority of liberal bishops in Church of England
Evangelical ministers in the Church of England are being urged to indicate their willingness to repudiate their obedience to any bishop who departs from established orthodoxy on issues of sexual morality – and to seek alternative episcopal oversight.
Honest questions for Church of England bishops and other leaders
As a parish minister my congregations can read statements by liberal bishops – but none by evangelicals at the time of writing. And that is more deeply depressing and demoralising than I can begin to explain.
Elizabeth II, Charles III and a higher throne
Isaiah 6 has some helpful verses as we process the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the succession of a new king.
Derby Diocese has extremely serious questions to answer
You might think the Church of England would naturally wish to offer support to a minister hounded out in this way. But apparently not.
Lambeth 2022: the end of the Anglican Communion?
Unity based on fudge and evasion is no unity at all.
Does it matter that the Church of England can't define a 'woman'?
It is time for the Church of England to stand up, speak up and give a lead on this issue.
BBC bias and the case of Roe v Wade
The excellent Amol Rajan on Radio 4's Today programme talked – twice – of "pro-life" campaigners. All well and good, you might think. Except apparently not.
Why sending refugees to Rwanda should make you angry
What's wrong with the plan? Almost everything.
Roe v Wade: taking off the 'culture war' spectacles
There is more to doing the "good" that Jesus tells us to do than winning an argument or even a legal battle. Much more.
A plea to Anglican evangelical leaders and bishops: please work together!
As critical days approach, there could be even greater scope for a united evangelical front in the Church of England.
Church of England and Greggs in multi-million pound sponsorship deal
The official Church of England logo will now appear on all papers, web pages and publicity with the slogan "More than just the bread of life – with Greggs".
Who will really lead Church of England evangelicals?
We evangelical clergy in the parishes are punch-drunk pandemic weary, unsettled by talk of parish mergers, wondering whether the LLF debate will force us out of the Church of England. I wouldn't presume to speak for everyone, but I am sure I speak for some at least when I say: we are weary. And we are waiting for leadership.
Ukraine: has weak West lost the will to live?
The West is weak. But as Christians we know the diagnosis is at heart a spiritual one, for when people turn their backs on God as many western Europeans have, and north Americans are increasingly doing, all sorts of things follow, writes David Baker.
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