Why We Need to Remind Ourselves of Christ's Atoning Sacrifice Daily


We normally rush through our daily life as if it were but a routine. Wake up, take a bath, eat breakfast, go to work/school/business, get through the day, go home, eat dinner, prepare for sleep, and get some Z's. Sometimes, it just becomes boring, doesn't it?

A Life on Purpose

Living a routine life characterized by just making it through the day and reaching for one's dreams might be exciting for some, but it's actually pointless. Many dream of doing things before they die: some want to go around the world, some want to acquire properties, some want to become rich tycoons, and some simply want to have a happy family.

There's nothing wrong with all of that, but a life lived for all of those things simply lacks purpose. We all need to live a life on purpose – not just a life with purpose, but a life on purpose.

Christ Did That

The Lord Jesus said He came to earth to do one simple thing: to do the will of the Father. And boy did He do that so well.

He came to earth an unborn child in a young girl's womb. He grew up obedient to His earthly parents, and at the right time revealed Himself into the world. After showing up and starting His public ministry, we see that every move that Jesus made was done on purpose.

Christ read Scripture to declare His ministry. He called people to follow Him so that He could teach them the way. He fed people, healed the sick, cleansed lepers, gave sight to the blind, restored life to the dead, reached out to the outcast and hated, forgave sinners, shut His mouth in the face of mockers, and died a gruesome and lonely death for the sake of all men who are slaves to sin.

And He rose again from the grave to bring us life and hope.

He did all that so that we could be forgiven. So that we could be healed. So that we could be restored to God. So that we could become God's sons and daughters. So that we could live a life worth living: for Him who died for us.

This Is Where the Title Comes In

So far, maybe you were looking for the reason why this article has its title. Read through those paragraphs again, this time from bottom up. Got it?

Christ died for us. His death gave us reason to live. His death gave us life. His death gave us purpose. His death and resurrection broke the power of sin and death over us who believe in Him and are called to His purposes.

Friend, this is why Christ told us to remember what He has done in offering His body and shedding His blood as the atonement for our sins. He is our reason to live.