'Thor 3: Ragnarok' movie spoilers: Thor dies?

With Spider-Man's homecoming, fans will have to wait even longer to see Thor in another action-packed film of his namesake. Initially slated to come out on July 28, 2017, "Thor: Ragnarok" is now scheduled to smash the silver screen on Nov. 3, 2017 to make way for the web slinger's swing to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Fashion & Style suggests that the big Sony and Marvel Studios deal is more than just Spidey's own film and participation in "Captain America: Civil War," where he is expected to portray a huge role. The aforementioned site suggests that Spider-Man may find his way to Thor's world, too, basing on the fact that the release date of the third "Thor" movie was the one moved. This has yet to be corroborated though. 

Either way, there's still a long way to go before the deity lugs his powerful hammer again, but spoilers, expectedly, still abound. The very title of the film spells trouble for the Son of Odin so it is not hard to believe that moviegoers may see the last of the god of thunder in "Thor: Ragnarok." In Norse mythology, Ragnarok is simply defined as a series of catastrophic events that lead to the world's ruin, killing numerous gods. 

In the comic books, Asgard is faced with the post-war disastrous cycle. With this, Thor attempts to defy the cycle and save the citizens of his home from a disastrous end for good. However, in the process, he pays for the realization of his aim with his life. But before that, it looks like Thor may have to kill his brother Loki (played by Tom Hiddleston) first for his endlessly treacherous ways. 

Certain events in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" will set up "Thor: Ragnarok" although it is unknown what particular scenes they will be. Chris Hemsworth will return as the mighty superhero on the silver screen in both aforementioned movies to be released on May 1, 2015 and Nov. 3, 2017, respectively.