'Switched at Birth' Christmas Special set to air on ABC before season 4 starts

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It's been months since the last episode of "Switch at Birth" was aired, but season 3 won't be over until the Christmas Special of the series is shown in early December. 

The special Christmas episode for ABC's multi-awarded family drama will be aired on Dec. 8, and it is titled "Yuletide Fortune Tellers." The episode will feature the lives of Bay Kennish (Vanessa Marano) and Daphne Vasquez (Katie Leclerc) if the hospital switching incident did not happen. 

The synopsis for the episode teases that both Bay and Daphne are not pleased with the way their mothers celebrate Christmas. After they have a joint family Christmas dinner, the girls wake up the next day to find out that the switch did not actually take place, and that they grew up exactly where they were supposed to. 

In the episode, Bay is an aspiring Olympian while Daphne is a striving artist who has an upcoming exhibit. Is this scenario actually true, and will it last until season 4? 

But prior to the airing of the upcoming holiday special, the cast released a video on Zap2It on Tuesday that shares how they spend their Christmases with their own families.  Leclerc shared her family's tradition when opening presents on Christmas day. According to her, gift opening starts from the youngest to the oldest. 

"So by the time it gets to the 85-year-old grandmother, we've all got piles of stuff," the actress who plays Daphne said. 

Then the video shows the entire "Switched at Birth" cast excitedly talking about the gifts that they have received in the past. Marano said that she used to get a unique set of baby dolls that came in flowers. The actress who plays Bay also mentioned that her family, who has Southern Italian roots, normally feasts on seafood during Christmas Eve. 

After the Christmas Special, "Switched at Birth" will be on hiatus once again before season 4 premieres on Jan. 6, 2015.