Proposed bill would require father's permission to get an abortion

(Photo: Helene Souza)

A controversial bill proposed by Missouri State Representative Rick Brattin would require fathers to sign off on abortions, except in cases of rape or incest.

Brattin introduced the bill earlier this month for next year's legislative session, and it will likely face legal action if passed.

The legislation would require a signed, notarised letter from the father allowing the abortion to take place. Rep. Brattin said that exceptions would have to be backed by the father's criminal conviction.

"Just like any rape, you have to report it, and you have to prove it," he said, according to MSNBC. "So you couldn't just go and say, 'Oh yeah, I was raped' and get an abortion. It has to be a legitimate rape."

There is also no exception if the woman is in an abusive relationship.

"What does that have to do with the child's life?" Brattin asked. "Just because it was an abusive relationship, does that mean the child should die?"

If the father is deceased, the woman would provide a notarised affidavit attesting to that fact in order to get an abortion.

Missouri has some of the strictest abortion laws in the country, and recently passed a law requiring a woman to wait 72 hours between electing to have an abortion and the procedure being performed. The bill was vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon, but overridden by the legislature in September.

The 72-hour wait does not apply in medical emergencies, but applies in all other cases, including rape and incest. A Planned Parenthood in St Louis is the only clinic that performs elective abortions in the state.

The waiting period does not apply in medical emergencies, but applies in all other cases, including rape and incest.

Utah and South Dakota currently have 72-hour abortion waiting periods, but Utah waives the law in cases of rape, incest, or a pregnant girl under age 14.