PS Plus November free games 2014 [predicted list]: Playstation Plus roster anticipated by subscribers

Playstation Plus

It's the end of October, which means subscribers of PlayStation Plus are eagerly awaiting the announcement of the free games for the month of November.

Many PlayStation players are rooting to get an AAA title in the next roster of free games, yet leaked reports say that it may not happen yet next month.

NeoGaf user "majik13" posted a comment in a forum, saying, "Saw most of the Nov PS+ games. Not sure on Vita though. Some more cross buy stuff however. You will be disappointed if you are expecting any AAA retail games this month."

The credible user also said, "The other PS4 game has similarities to a PS+ game from this month. It's another well received game though."

So far, the only confirmed inclusion in the free game roster for PS Plus subscribers for November is "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth" for both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita consoles. Game designer Tyrone Rodriguez talked about the game in an article posted at the PlayStation blog.

He said, "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth features over 500 hours of gameplay (not marketing fluff, it'll take you at least this long to unlock all the secrets in the game). Each run will be different because the enemies, rooms, levels and drops are all randomly generated. Every time you beat the game or die and start a new game it'll be all-new and fresh."

The game will be available for PS Plus subscribers in North American and European countries.

October's PS Plus free games release included the highly anticipated "Driveclub" game, which was pestered with so many issues and delays. PS Plus subscribers also saw the release of several free game titles that include "Spelunky and Dust: An Elysian Tail."

For November, the predicted free game titles for PS Plus subscribers include "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare," "MotoGP 14," "Rocksmith 2014," "Grand Theft Auto V," "Lara Croft" as well as "Temple of Osiris" and other highly-anticipated games.