Microsoft Surface Pro 4 release date, specs news: To feature Samsung SSD

For the ones who have been following updates on the Microsoft Surface Pro 4, the only things confirmed prior to today are that it may likely come with Windows 10 installed and that it could be out by October.

There were initial rumors that it could come out by July 29, but seeing that this coincides with the launch date of Windows 10, delaying release of the device to October does make sense. The last thing that Microsoft wants is to see divided attention and overlapping products.

Now aside from that, little has been confirmed on what the next Surface Pro 4 will carry. And as always, rumors are the only information that most can rely on for now.

The Surface Pro 4 is likely to come with a keyboard accessory (likely to be sold separately), which can turn it from a tablet into a laptop and vice versa, and a 12-inch and/or 14-inch display (2160x1440 screen resolution).  It is expected to be powered by a dual-core i5 or i7 processor.

Supporting specifications will include 4GB of RAM and a 5-megapixel rear camera. As far as internal storage is concerned, latest word is that it could potentially come with a 256GB solid state drive (SSD) after Samsung confirmed that it can deliver the parts before the device makes its debut potentially this October.

This should be good news for folks who are looking to get hold of the next version of Microsoft's Surface Pro. Curiously and if true, the Surface Pro 4 will be revealed in the same month when the Apple iPad Pro and iPad Mini 4 will be revealed. Coincidence or done on purpose?

Reportedly thinner and lighter, the Surface Pro 4 could possibly be priced similar to the Surface Pro 3 starting at $930 and may go as high as $2,480 depending on the specifications that customers would be preferring.

If you are new to Microsoft's Surface Pro device, you could always opt to check out its predecessor Surface Pro 3, which recently released a version that runs on Intel Core i7 processor. It costs $1,299, a big price off from the original SRP of $1,549.