'Half-Life 3' release date rumor: Speculations continue amid absence of confirmed details

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Hardcore players across all platforms in the gaming industry are in agreement that one of the most rumored sequels that they are waiting for is "Half-Life 3." The title's rumored release has already been bandied about and achieved a near-mythical status in the industry. Almost a decade after "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" came out (title was released in 2007), fans are still speculating about a possible sequel.

The latest rumors suggest that Valve might be planning for a next-level "Half-Life" experience for players, and that it might even make "Half-Life 3" a VR-supported title. However, should this be proven true, fans would still need to wait some time for a glimpse of the game since there will be no "Half-Life 3" to be showcased in any of Valve's VR-focused events.

According to MobileSyrup, Chet Faliszek, a writer at Valve and a member of the teams behind the "Half-Life" and "Portal" series, stated that future events for Valve's VR-centered presentations will involve third-party VR showcases and are not about Valve's products.

In addition to Valve not committing to an appearance of even a short demo of a new "Half-Life," it was recently reported that Marc Laidlaw, main writer for the "Half-Life" series, has retired from Valve. It is unclear whether Laidlaw had even worked on a possible sequel story before leaving the company.

However, although there were setbacks, the myth of "Half-Life 3" remains alive. Some hardcore fans even took it upon themselves to continue with the "Half-Life" franchise.

Recently, a fan-made "Half-Life" series-inspired game, "Prospekt," went live on Steam. The title has gathered recognition within the "Half-Life" community since its gameplay, mechanics, design, and even the story, are within the "Half-Life" universe. In addition, the title received approval from Valve itself, complete with the licenses and the assets used in the game.