3 prayers for persecuted Christians


We can't escape or ignore the stories of believers being persecuted for their faith around the world, and neither should we.

But in some cases the extent to which our brothers and sisters in Christ suffer because of their refusal to abandon their faith and submit to the demands of those who attack them seems so great that we lose confidence in our ability to support them.

Despite the intimidating scale of the horrors faced by these believers, we can still do many things to stand up for those who don't live with the same religious freedom that we have. Campaigning for governments to pursue justice for the victims, standing up for those who are persecuted in our presence and praying for the protection of those whose faith freedoms are severely limited or non-existent are just three of the ways that we can demonstrate our solidarity with them.

Christians who work to keep their faith strong at times when they're faced with violence or even death are an inspiration to us all. If they can wholly trust in the Lord during such testing times, we can join with them and pray for them to continue to know God's peace and experience His protection.

We should never think of prayer as being the least we can do. Prayer is powerful, necessary and regularly requested by the very victims we want to help.

Here are three prayers that you can say for persecuted Christians.

O Lord God,

Your Son Jesus Christ suffered and died for us.

In His resurrection He restores life and peace in all creation.

Comfort, we pray, all victims of intolerance and those oppressed by their fellow humans.

Remember in Your Kingdom those who have died.

Lead the oppressors towards compassion and give hope to the suffering.

Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.


Dear Lord,

Please protect our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted for their faith, especially those who are active in sharing the gospel.

Let your peace reign on those regions where your children are not permitted the freedom to live out their faith in safety.

And watch over and encourage those who work to support oppressed believers on the ground, risking their own lives to do so.

Almighty God,

You have warned us through your Son Jesus Christ that those who follow Him may be oppressed and abused because of their faith.

We ask that you comfort and give courage to all your children who fall victims to unjust imprisonment, physical harm and intimidation at the hands of their oppressors.

For those who have given their lives in the fight for freedom to openly share and live out their faith, may they be welcomed into your warm embrace.

For those who persecute our brothers and sisters, may their spirits be touched by the incredible faith of those who they attack. And may they turn away from sin and open their hearts to your love.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
