Current page: Reporter / Will Jones
Will Jones
Conservative bishops can ban same-sex blessings in their dioceses - they need to start doing this
Perhaps some conservative bishops have been misadvised otherwise and told that their hands are tied by the House of Bishops' commendation of the Prayers of Love and Faith. But it's not hard to see why such advice must be wrong.
Should evangelicals engage with Living in Love and Faith?
It is important to listen to those we disagree with and hear their stories. It is also important to stand up for our faith and what is right. LLF gives us a rare opportunity to do both, argues Will Jones.
Is it really crazy to ignore 'the science' on coronavirus?
Respected theologian Tom Wright argues it is, but in truth there is not one "expert opinion" from the scientific community on the coronavirus, from which it is "crazy" to depart.
The Government is right to be re-thinking gender self-identification
In these days, when extreme ideology seems all too often to trump a calm consideration of facts, the Government's U-turn on gender self-identification is most welcome.
The withdrawal of a grotesque sex education programme shows the difference Christian public witness still makes
If only our church leaders would speak up too.
A brief history of evangelicalism
The likes of Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield and John Wesley preached the Gospel, which in a Christendom context of cradle Christians was often a radical move.
Bishop Graham's sexuality apology: a translation from liberalese
If you have heard or read Bishop Graham Usher's apology, you will be aware it is in liberalese, making it difficult to understand for those not familiar with this strange dialect. I offer here a loose translation.
God is good for you: how faith and family boost educational achievement
An important new study from the US has shown that family and faith make the biggest difference to a person's success in education.
Church of England reaffirms biblical teaching on sex and marriage—but for how much longer?
While the new statement responding to opposite sex civil partnerships is certainly welcome, the future for the C of E remains uncertain.
'A superintellect has monkeyed with physics': why scientists say it's rational to believe in God
Is belief in God rational? Can it be proved beyond reasonable doubt?
Transgenderism's denial of biology started with same-sex marriage
Can we return to reason without a return to the traditional, biologically-grounded definition of marriage?
Transgenderism: why Christians should be concerned
The Bible says that in the beginning God created humankind male and female in his own image. Our culture seems to think it knows better.
The Church of England appears to have lost all confidence in its own biblical teaching
In its new Charter, the Church of England fails to offer a distinctive Christian vision for Relationships, Sex and Health Education at a time when it is sorely needed.
Parents who don't agree with LGBT lessons are quickly running out of options
The right to protest is essential as a last resort to ensure schools do not trample on parents' rights over the education of their children. That right to protest has just been removed.
LGBT schools and abortion protest bans betray the bias of our elites
I have to say I'm not filled with confidence that this is going to go the way of the parents.
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