Current page: Reporter / Peter Ould
Peter Ould
Do we really know what Anglicans think about same-sex marriage?
Peter Ould on why he thinks a recent poll on this question wasn't particularly helpful.
Vicky Beeching's 'Undivided' trap: Why evangelicals need a better story
Since coming out four years ago Beeching has become an advocate for a revisionist position on sexual activity in the evangelical world.
It's easy to talk about banning gay conversion therapy. But how to do it – and where's the evidence?
Jayne Ozanne's call for Group Led Spiritual Abuse to be banned is commendable and yet laden with issues.
Christianity, Homophobia And Mental Health: Peter Ould Answers Back To The Church Mouse
A robust response from the conservative Christian Peter Ould to the points made by the internet blogger The Church Mouse in his article for Christian Today.
Why The General Synod's Vote Last Night Was Bad For Everyone
Alternative truths abounded last night after the General Synod vote on the bishops' report on human sexuality came through and the House of Clergy voted by a narrow margin not to take note of it.
Why The Cathedral Quran Reading Deserved Its Rebuke
Bishop David Chillingworth's naming and shaming of Kelvin Holdsworth, the Provost of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow, was about as harsh as it gets.
Owen Jones: Right about homophobia, wrong about religion
Last night Owen Jones stormed off the press preview when his fellow reviewers would not admit the Orlando attack was primarily homophobic.
Church of England: crisis in clergy numbers, but some hope too
Although there is a looming crisis in numbers of clergy, there are signs that the Church is slowly turning the corner.
Why Ken Livingstone was wrong: Hitler was never a Zionist
From the early days of the Nazi programme, way back in 1920, the removal of Jews from German society and state was a key part of Hitler's policies.
Migrant crisis: What does the future hold for central Europe?
Peter Ould reflects on the migrant crisis in Europe, its political repercussions and the Christian response.
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