Current page: Reporter / Peter Crumpler
Peter Crumpler
Whatever happened to forgiveness?
Is Christ's teaching on forgiveness really suited for our 21st century world and its widespread 'blame culture' These are just some of the topical, urgent questions confronted by American pastor and author Timothy Keller in his latest book, 'Forgive' published this month.
Christians urged to pray for the media
As war correspondents risk their lives to cover the conflict in Ukraine, and political reporters grapple with the unfolding dramas in Downing Street, Whitehall and across the globe, Christians and churches are being encouraged to pray for the media and those who work in it on Sunday 30 October.
Can Christians learn anything from the 'forgotten' revival?
When Queen Victoria was on the throne and the American Civil War was raging, a Christian revival took place in an English town, north of London.
Are we grieving for more than the Queen?
The Queen's funeral may well prompt a further outpouring of sadness, as men and women connect with their own grief – perhaps going back decades – as well as mourning Queen Elizabeth.
Christian charity sets out action plan to combat cost-of-living crisis
As energy bills spiral and the cost of living soars, a Christian charity has set out an urgent action plan to help churches respond to the gathering storm.
The BBC 'should remain at the heart of British broadcasting'
A group of leading UK legislators – including a senior Church of England bishop – have called for the BBC to "remain at the heart of British broadcasting, bringing the nation together, serving all sectors of UK society, and delivering a world-leading service that is respected across the globe."
Poignant exhibition shows the art of grieving
One of the most poignant and moving exhibitions I have ever visited is currently on show at a gallery just north of London. It illustrates for me the importance of the Church's role in funerals and the ministry around them.
Looking back on the last Lambeth Conference
As Anglican bishops from around the world gather for the 2022 Lambeth Conference in Canterbury, Kent, UK, this week, Rev Peter Crumpler recalls his part in the last Conference, back in 2008.
Church of England unveils strategy to help its rural churches thrive
Many provided cool sanctuaries during the recent record-breaking temperatures – but they have the potential to play a much more strategic community role.
The Queen: 'one lovely, gracious, young figure dedicated to God's service and to ours'
As people, churches and communities in the UK and around the world prepare to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, a message written by the then Archbishop of Canterbury shortly before her Coronation resounds through the decades.
New book celebrates the Queen's '70 years of faith and service'
The Queen is Supreme Governor of the Church of England but her interest in faith goes well beyond this title. Her strong Christian faith is exemplified by her lifetime of dedicated service.
Our local leaders need our prayers
A thriving local media and Christians playing an active role in community politics could help support local democracy across the country.
A timely look at truth and trust in the news
It's time for Christians and all people of faith and goodwill to look at how they receive their news, and how they view it.
Praying for the media reporting the war in Ukraine
Peter Crumpler shares a prayer for use in places of worship to support the vital work being done by the media in Ukraine – and also in Russia.
What did your church learn during lockdown?
What did we learn in the almost 24 months since the pandemic became part of our everyday lives?
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