Current page: Reporter / Jo Swinney
Jo Swinney
Interview: Katharine Welby-Roberts on living with depression
'That the Archbishop's daughter has depression made national news is hilarious and frightening and absurd.'
The Word on depression: Three Bible passages
One of the most commonly stated reasons people with mental health issues struggle with church is the relentlessly upbeat tone from the pulpit and the song sheet.
Faith, works and a way out of the guilt trap
Give your money, your time, your expertise, your spare room, give until you bleed, spend yourself until you are used up and even then keep giving. Otherwise your declarations of faith are empty words.
The sermon is not dead. And it mustn't be allowed to die
Preaching might have an image problem, but does the problem run deeper? Is it time to rethink the entire concept?
This is the illness we don't talk about – and we should
There are definitely some awareness campaigns done in jest but this week is Mental Health Awareness week – not a laughing matter.
The faith perspective: How Psalm 33 speaks to our political reality
In the face of so many genuine reasons to be fearful about the state of the world, we have some options.
Cracking The Christian Code: A Guide For Newbies
It takes time for new Christians to work out who you are now, and it also takes time to learn the nuances of the way your fellow citizens think and behave.
Time For A Mental Spring Clean - To Become Who We Are Created In Christ To Be
The Christian life is an ongoing process of transformation. Paul's advice to the church in Ephesus remains the call: 'Put off your old self, to be made new.'
5 Ways To Beat The Winter Blues
5 Ways To Beat The Winter Blues
Why We Shouldn't Be Searching For Our Vocation
Jo Swinney on why the idea of vocation can be deeply problematic.
3 Biblical Truths To Stand On When The World Shakes
Jo Swinney offers three truths that have helped her during a time of uncertainty.
Christians Must Be United, But It Might Not Mean What You Think
Unity and love. They seem like simple words, with plain meanings, but sometimes we're guilty of getting it wrong, says Jo Swinney.
Mind Control: How We Can Challenge Our Negative Inner Monologues
Who would ever talk that way? Who could possibly be so nasty, demeaning and unkind to a fellow human being?
Why Christians Need To Stop Boasting
Some of the worst braggers are 'high-profile' Christians, says Jo Swinney. She has three theories as to why.
Why Friendship Is A Better Investment Than Romance
Friendship can be complicated, as complicated and painful as any other inter-human relationship. But what would life be without friends?
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