What does the Bible have to say about the blood moon?


In the period covering 2014 and 2015, the world saw four total lunar eclipses forming a lunar tetrad or what many Christians refer to as the blood moon. The last time this had happened prior to the recent one was in 1982, and the next will happen in 2033.

In the Bible, God spoke often about the blood moon as being a mark of an opportune time to do something spiritual. Many ministers and Bible experts have interpreted these occurrences as major spiritual revivals and some have referred to the blood moon as the time for the second coming.

These interpretations come from a long list of verses that refer to the blood moon such as Acts 2:20, which says, "The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day," and Revelation 6:12, which says, "When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood."

The many views given about the blood moon can be divided into three general categories.

The promises have already happened

The declaration that the apostle Peter makes about the blood moon in Acts 2:20 is actually a reference to Joel 2:31 as being the day that God comes down to earth. Some people have interpreted this as a declaration that the Lord has already come in the form of the Holy Spirit to empower believers by His in-dwelling.

People who believe this interpret the blood moon as a sign that has already fulfilled its purpose and only occurs now as a natural law of nature.

The promises are still coming

Many eschatological predictions and interpretations have been made in this small class of beliefs about the blood moon. A number of Christians have taken the blood moon as an early warning for the second coming of Jesus to finally judge the world once and for all.

Matthew 24:36 does tell us that "...concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." However, God has often moved in times where He sent celestial signs first such as the occurrence of the star during Jesus's birth.

Some promises are there, some aren't

The bigger majority of people who interpret the blood moon as referred to in the Bible believe that there are multiple promises that God has given as per the appearance of the blood moon and that some have already happened (such as the day of Pentecost) and some are still to come (like the coming of Christ).

Whatever your stand may be, the important thing is to remain expectant and trust that God's timing and plans are always greater than ours. Anything that strikes fear into our hearts will not be of God.

God doesn't use signs to scare us into heaven but uses them to speak to us and tell us of His nature. Signs are an extension of His love and grace for us, his means of giving us assurance that He is on the move.