'Star Wars: Battlefront 2' release date news: Next 'Battlefront' to feature single-player campaign, tie-in with movies?

Star Wars: BattlefrontEA Games/DICE

Electronic Arts has already confirmed that a sequel to its highly popular "Star Wars: Battlefront" shooter is already in the works and will be released next year. Meanwhile, speculations suggest that there will be major improvements in "Battlefront 2," including its very own single-player campaign.

Speaking at a recent EA's Investor Day event, EA chief Patrick Soderlund talked about the success of "Battlefront," and hinted at what fans may expect at the upcoming sequel. Apparently, "Star Wars: Battlefront" is to have a single-player campaign feature, but EA and DICE have to rush its production in order to match its schedule with that of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Although the title is a critical success, one of the biggest fan feedback the title received is on its lack of a single-player story.

Reportedly, Soderlund teased that the upcoming sequel will remedy it and will come out as a complete package. Soderlund stated (via GameSpot), "I would say the game has done very well for us and reached a very different demographic than a traditional EA game. So from that perspective, it's a success. Are we happy with the 75 rating? No. Is that something we're going to cure going forward? Absolutely."

Meanwhile, it remains to be seen how EA and DICE will build up the single-story campaign feature, since one of the possible ideas is to connect it with the upcoming "Star Wars" films. In this regard, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen has already revealed that the two new films in the major franchise timeline will connect heavily to the "Battlefront" follow-ups. Should this be the case, then fans will see single-player missions that will connect the gap between "Battlefront 2" and "Episode VIII," next year; and hopefully, with "Battlefront 3" and "Episode IX" in 2019.

It is unclear if EA is planning something for the next "Star Wars" movie. A spin-off, "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" launches later this year.