'Star Wars Rogue One' trailer: Everything revealed in the first trailer

The first trailer for "Star Wars Rogue One" has dropped, exciting the legion of fans of the epic space opera. The film is a direct prequel to "A New Hope" and its preview shows that there is so much to see and look forward to.

The "Star Wars Rogue One" trailer definitely has the nostalgia going. There are AT-AT Walkers everywhere and fans were most certainly ecstatic to see the Death Star once again.

Mon Mothma, a Rebel Alliance leader whom fans met in "Return of the Jedi" for literally two minutes, is also in the "Star Wars Rogue One" trailer, to the delight of many. The character was supposed to appear in "Revenge of the Sith," but her scene was cut.

Mon Mothma in the "Star Wars: Rogue One" trailerYouTube/Star Wars

In "Star Wars Rogue One," she will be back, hopefully with longer screen time. Genevieve O'Reilly, who played the role in the cut scene from "Revenge of the Sith," was brought back to reprise the role.

In the "Star Wars Rogue One" trailer, Mon Mothma gives the film's rebellious protagonist Jyn Erso, played by Felicity Jones, a mission involving stealing the Death Star plans.

During this mission, Jyn Erso appears to be accompanied by an unnamed Rebel Officer, played by Diego Luna. Things go awry and more perilous in a snap, with an army of stormtroopers going after them.

The "Star Wars Rogue One" trailer also provides a good look at the characters of the film as well as the menacing black stormtroopers. There's a shot of Ben Mendelsohn looking terrifying in his off-white cape and uniform as a villainous Imperial admiral.

Donnie Yen is also shown using a sword to take on stormtroopers. There is also a shot of Jiang Wen as one of Jyn Erso's crew members, charging to the enemies with his rifle.

Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso in "Star Wars: Rogue One."YouTube/Star Wars

Forest Whitaker is also shown and can be heard voicing his worries about what will become of Jyn after the mission. The last seconds of the trailer foreshadowed his concern, as Jyn Erso donned a black uniform that looks like that of a TIE Fighter pilot.

A notable scene in the "Star Wars Rogue One" trailer is Mendelsohn walking through the shallow water where lifeless stormtroopers and ruins lay. The most intriguing, however, is a cloaked individual kneeling before an unseen figure guarded by two Imperial Guards. Some surmise this figure could be Darth Vader.

Whether or not this is true, fans will learn when "Star Wars Rogue One" hits cinemas on Dec 16.