'Star Wars Rebels' season 3 spoilers: Darth Maul seen revealing his plans in preview clip

A promotional poster for "Star Wars Rebels"Disney XD

"Star Wars Rebels" season 3 will see Grand Admiral Thrawn face against the Rebel Alliance, but it is also going to bring in Darth Maul, the former Sith Lord who went into hiding after his defeat in "Star Wars: The Clone Wars." A brand new preview clip showcases Darth Maul revealing what his plans are to an unsuspecting Hera.

In the clip, Maul and Hera walk into Ezra's quarters aboard their ship where he tries to force Hera to reveal where Ezra may be keeping the Holocron. When Hera refuses to give in Maul first threatens to dig in for information in her mind regarding Kanan, using his true name to put fear into her head.

He then discovers that it was Hera's idea to convince Kanan to take Ezra along with them back in season 1, leading to the events that made Kanan take Ezra as his Jedi apprentice. Maul the gives the indication that he will use the Holocron to influence Ezra further and lead him to the Dark Side.

When Hera still refuses to give in, Maul uses a Force mind trick to dig into her head directly, and he finds the Holocron hiding in one of Ezra's drawers.

As stated by News Everyday, season 3 will see Ezra teetering between the Light and the Dark sides of the Force, and there are rumors that he may turn into a Sith apprentice. If this proves true then Ezra may be the person responsible for the death of his allies and his former master, Kanan, while the rest of the Rebellion faces Thrawn.

This is further seen in another preview clip where the Holocron communicates with Ezra and promises power. He then states that he would do whatever it takes to ensure his friends do not get hurt, implying his hunger for power. This is speculated to be the beginning of his fall into the Dark Side.

"Star Wars Rebels" season 3 will continue with "The Holocrons of Fate" on Oct. 1 at 8:30 p.m. ET on Disney XD.