'Star Wars Episode 7' spoilers, characters: Film may once again feature Ewoks

Wicket as seen in Return of the JediLucasFilm

According to a recent report from Making Star Wars, "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" may feature the small, furry creatures known as Ewoks last seen in "Return of the Jedi." This is all based on a book released during the film's press tour in Japan headed by actress Daisy Ridley and LucasFilm President Kathleen Kennedy. 

A snapshot of one of the pages lists Warwick Davis among the cast of "Episode VII" and he is credited as playing Wicket, the young Ewok that eventually helped Han Solo and Princess Leia win during the Battle of Endor. 

If the press book's information is to go by and the name "Wicket" wasn't just attached because of the character's popularity, then it is likely that the Ewoks may have some presence in the upcoming film. The press book also gives some details on the scene that they may be featured in. 

According to the report, The First Order sends Storm Troopers to the forest moon Endor in order to retrieve Darth Vader's mask shortly after the events in "Return of the Jedi." In their search, they end up battling some of the native Ewoks, ruthlessly killing all those that come across their path. 

It is possible that Wicket may be the lone survivor and may even become a member of the Resistance, helping the remaining Ewoks push forward into an age of space exploration in their battle against the remnants of the Empire. 

However, according to a report from Cinema Blend, it is also possible that Warwick Davis is playing an entirely new character. He did appear as Wald in "The Phantom Menace" but it was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo that only die-hard fans are even aware of. 

The report also points out that director J.J. Abrams is trying to pay more homage to the original trilogy than the prequel trilogy so there is a higher chance of Ewoks appearing than the Gungans such as Jar Jar Binks. 

"Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" opens in theaters on Dec. 18.