'Sense8' season 2 premiere date this August?


Netflix's original serires "Sense8" has already begun filming some scenes for season 2, as confirmed by actress Tina Desai via Twitter, and if production for the season continues without delays, it is now speculated that season 2 will not be pushed to 2017 and may hit an August release.

The series was presumed by fans to launch its second season in June of this year, exactly a year after the premiere of the first season. However, as reiterated by Inquisitr, this is no longer the case given how long it took for Netflix to announce that the show was moving forward with a second season.

It is cited that Netflix may have waited in order to build anticipation but it is also pointed out that the streaming network may have been considering whether or not to push forward due to the high production costs of the show. To date, "Sense8" is one of the most expensive Netflix series to produce given how it is set in multiple locations.

Back in November, "Sense8" cinematographer John Toll mentioned that the current schedule for production was in March. This means Desai's Twitter post may indicate that only a few winter scenes were being shot for the meantime, but this doesn't mark the official beginning of the proper production process.

It was this announced March schedule that had fans speculating that season 2 may premiere in 2017. The first season notably took seven months to complete before it premiered on Netflix, but with Desai's recent Twitter post, it is possible that some scenes have already been filmed, reducing the amount of work needed to be done in March.

Unfortunately, at this point Netflix has not yet announced any official release date to settle the rumors. However, the official Twitter account for the "Sense8" series has recently begun posting new advertisements, which may indicate a release date announcemnt could be coming very soon.