'Scandal' season 4 spoilers: Olivia suffers aftermath of kidnapping in 'The Lawn Chair'

It seems like Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) will have to face another problem once again in the upcoming episode 14 of Scandal Season 4.Scandal Facebook page

Season 4 of "Scandal" followed the whirlwind of ill fates that befell Olivia Pope and how she narrowly escaped all those. After her kidnapping, she attempts to regain composure as she aims to recoup to her Gladiator form. In the new episode titled "The Lawn Chair," she is given a chance to move forward from the torment by giving out her energy to a murder case although it looks like she is not ready to move on. 

Episode 14 is tagged as the most powerful episode of the season. An "unfortunate event" in Washington has earned nationwide coverage and Olivia has a hard time getting to the bottom of it with tormenting reminders of the kidnapping and the auction incident. 

In the new "Scandal" installment, she tries to pacify a revenge-driven man who is after a police officer who he believes killed his child. Pope is beckoned to the scene to resolve the matter and is seen promising her assistance to the distressed father in a promo for the episode. Unfortunately, she remains to be haunted by the horrors of her recent tribulation and eventually succumbs to post-traumatic stress disorder. 

All that chaos transpires while the White House continues to contend with a defiant vice president. Mellie, Elizabeth and Huck are successful in halting Vice President Andrew Nichols in his tracks but the aftermath mess is taking its toll on the government. Fashion & Style surmises that the vice presidential office will soon be unoccupied. 

"Girls" actress and "Scandal" devotee Lena Dunham, who mentions the political thriller in her own series whenever she gets the chance, is said to play a small part in episode 14 of the series. Her dream finally comes to fruition as the "Scandal" superfan is playing a character that bears connections to OPA in the upcoming episode. 

"Scandal" episode 14 titled "The Lawn Chair" will be aired on March 5.