People who find Christianity boring haven't met Jesus and embarked on an 'adventure the world can't match,' says pastor

A woman and her son attend Sunday service in Adalberto United Methodist Church in Chicago.Reuters

To non-Christians, or to people who are only Christians on paper, Christianity may appear to be a boring religion. These people don't see anything exciting or fun in the activities that devout Christians do, like reading the Bible, attending church service and offering prayers.

Pastor Jarrid Wilson—an author, blogger and founder of Cause Roast—said this notion of Christianity is farthest from the truth, although he had the same ideas about the faith when he was still young and naive.

Writing for Charisma News, Wilson said, "When one truly encounters the consuming love of Jesus, one's life is anything but mundane and stale."

He said when a true Christian finally allows the love and power of Jesus to enter his life, "worship will become exhilarating, reading the Bible will become fascinating, and prayer will become a conversation with God that you can't seem to stay away from."

Wilson recalled that during his younger days, he also used to think that becoming Christian was not only boring and dull but also a waste of time.

He said he was "never a fan of going to church," seeing this activity as "pointless and irrelevant."

He said he felt that way until he reached the age of 19 years. That was the time, he said, when he "actually experienced Jesus for who He really was and not who I assumed Him to be."

"I dropped my pride and finally let God in. Only then was my life transformed. This didn't happen overnight, but with persistence and humility, my relationship with God truly started to grow," he said.

Wilson said when a person begins to accept Jesus into his or her life, "the old fades away, and a new life will begin."

He said the new follower of Jesus will then embark on an adventure that the "world simply cannot match, let alone keep anywhere near to."

He said for a Christian, "every day is a new experience, a new facet of God's glory, and another opportunity to deepen one's personal relationship with the Creator. There is always room for growth, which means there is always room for adventure."

"So if you think Christianity is boring, then you haven't met Jesus," Wilson said.

However, he cautioned that living a Christian life is not a bed of roses. Believers will encounter doubt, anxiety and even fear, he said.

"What we need to remember is that even during these times of darkness and uncertainty, we have a light at the end of the tunnel to run toward. Jesus' Spirit, our comfort and peace, is an ocean of eternal euphoria," he said.