Methodist Church responds to Queen's speech

The Methodist Church has responded to the Queen's speech earlier this week, giving particular praise to the introduction of the Climate Change Bill, as well as the renewed focus on improving education, housing and healthcare throughout the country.

|PIC1|Anthea Cox, Coordinating Secretary for Public Life and Social Justice for the Methodist Church said, "The Government wants to make education, housing and health care the centre of its work over the new Parliamentary session. Methodists care passionately about these issues and welcome the opportunity for debate.

"The Methodist Church welcomes the introduction of the Climate Change Bill. Earlier this year we responded to this bill in its draft form."

However, the Methodist Church was quick to urge the Government to ensure a continuous improvement on cutting carbon emissions was seen.

"As a nation the UK must achieve real year-on-year cuts in carbon emissions," said Cox. "The urgency for action is underlined by a report published by the UN (6th November) stating that carbon emissions from industrialised countries are at a record high.

"We argue that long-term targets should be revised in the light of the findings published this year by the International Panel on Climate Change. In addition we must not use the purchasing of carbon credits overseas to buy out our own responsibility at home."

The Methodist Church also addressed the issues surrounding the Human Tissues and Embryos Bill, and gave recognition to the sensitive nature of the debate on the matter.

"The Methodist Church will seek to listen, learn and speak with great care on this sensitive issue."

Earlier this week the Government unveiled a host of new security proposals to tackle extremism and terrorism. In response, Cox said: "The Methodist Church previously opposed extending the time for which people can be held before trial to 90 days but we recognise the need to consider how a balance can be achieved between providing adequate powers to address terrorism and ensuring the right to liberty and justice for all."