Kingsway welcomes Phatfish to the family

Following the acquisition of Authentic earlier in the year, Kingsway are pleased to announce the arrival of one of the UK’s most treasured Christian bands into the family.

Phatfish have been creating music that inspires worship and pushes boundaries throughout their seventeen-year career, and their latest album – In Jesus – is no exception.

With their trademark sounds and grooves that burrow into the subconscious at first listen, ‘In Jesus’ is vintage Phatfish. But that’s not shorthand for ‘unchanging’. Anyone who has followed the band over the years will know that theirs has been a journey marked by fresh discovery and new expressions of ancient truths. They have never stayed still and have always chosen to innovate and challenge.

Which is exactly what ‘In Jesus’ does. Along with some great tunes, it asks the listener to consider the realities of who God is and all that His son has done for us. These ten tracks bring the listener in closer and deeper than ever before.

‘In Jesus’ upgrades their sound further with the inclusion of two fresh additions to the band; guitarists Jos Wintermeyer and Ben Hall. The sound gets a little more rock under its feet, and the overall effect is as genuinely Phatfish as ever.

Phatfish have frequently appeared at all of the major UK festivals including Newday, Soul Survivor and Spring Harvest as well as touring in the US, Canada and Europe. Their previous ten studio albums have contributed to the band’s growing reputation as a dynamic, versatile collection of artists, a reputation that has only been enhanced by songs like ‘Holy Holy’, ‘Lift Up His Name’ ‘There Is A Day’ and ‘Amazing God’.