iPhone 7 release date, specs rumors: New phone to be waterproof?

Apple web site

Some interesting rumors have been coming out about the iPhone 7 lately, hinting at the new specs and features which could be included in Apple's would-be newest offering.

The first rumor, courtesy of Geek Snack, suggests that the iPhone 7 could be completely waterproof upon its release.

According to the web site, the iPhone 7 could have an IP68 certification score, although most people connected to the rumor are suggesting that the new device could get something better. That certification, or anything better than it, would suggest that the iPhone 7 will indeed be completely waterproof. 

Rumors of the iPhone 7 being waterproof is significant, mainly because it would be the first phone from Apple that features such a quality. It would also allow the iPhone to hang with the Sony Xperia line, if the rumored waterproof capability turns out to be true. 

Another iPhone 7 rumor gaining a lot of buzz lately suggests that the upcoming Apple offering could be featuring an all-new design.

According to the ValueWalk, the United States Patent and Trademarks Office has reportedly granted Apple's claim for what is being termed as a "glass wraparound design."

The term itself is open to interpretation, but if such a design is to be featured with the iPhone 7, then that could result in a very different phone.

For instance, that kind of design concept could mean that the iPhone 7 will be featuring a cylindrical shape, not unlike anything Apple fans are familiar with.

Apple moving forward with this kind of design for the iPhone 7 could also lead to the newest device no longer featuring a home button, which would certainly be something different in the world of smartphones.

The iPhone 7 is also expected to feature improvements related to its battery, processor, and many of the other internal components that make a discernible difference.

Apple has yet to provide official comments regarding the rumored features of the iPhone 7.