'Indiana Jones 5' movie rumors: Chris Pratt to don the fedora hat?

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the 1981 film, "Raiders of the Lost Ark."[Photo credit: Indiana Jones website]

Rumor mills are suggesting that "Jurassic World" lead actor Chris Pratt is taking the torch from Harrison Ford as the cult-favorite swashbuckling adventurer Indiana Jones in an alleged fifth installment of the mega successful franchise. However, details about his supposed takeover remain as a blur. 

Ever since Disney acquired the rights to the "Indiana Jones" franchise in 2013, speculations have been endemic about the refresh of the four-installment movie series. Pratt's performance in the action-comedy Marvel film "Guardians of the Galaxy" won the hearts of many and reportedly even made Disney's head turn, making him the top choice for leading "Indiana Jones 5." In addition, media outlets believe that the legendary role is something Pratt would not have trouble getting into. His acting chops are up to par and his delivery on clever punchlines is right on the nail. 

Pratt, however, has plenty of projects lined up and this raises the concern on how the 35-year-old actor can squeeze in "Indiana Jones 5" should Disney pick him to be the new whip-slashing archaeologist. The actor will soon be busy with the sequel of the smash hit film "Guardians of the Galaxy" that is set for release in 2017 as well as the remake of a classic western flick titled "The Magnificent Seven," wherein he will be starring alongside Denzel Washington. And the world knows that "Jurassic World" is another big reboot that takes most of the actor's time. 

Before the speculations on Pratt's participation in the massive franchise gained momentum, there were rumors that "American Sniper" star Bradley Cooper was approached to don the fedora hat as the well-loved Indy. In all the rumors and speculations that made the rounds, Disney kept its lips tight and sealed. 

Indiana Jones was made famous by Harrison Ford back in 1981, when he starred in the first film of the franchise "Raiders of the Lost Ark." It was followed by "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom," which debuted in 1984. His adventures continued in 1989 with "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." The last is the seven-year old film "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" back in 2008.