How should Christians respond to Fake News

During the last U.S. election campaign, social media sites were plagued with fake news shared and seen by millions of voters. There were conspiracy theories, misleading headlines, and fake endorsements all over the place misleading many people and possibly even affecting their decision making (although Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg claims that there's no reason to believe that fake news on social media sites had any significant effect on results).

There have been recent attempts from internet giants to control the spread of fake news because of the dangerous misdirection and misinformation it causes, but I don't think the big remedy will be coming anytime soon. In the meantime, we are left to remain vigilant and careful about the content that we take in.

Within Christian circles, some of us have also become victim to some misleading news that can even be "Christian" in nature. Miraculous healing that never happened, mass conversions in the Middle East and signs of rapture and second coming—the list could go on. And you've most likely seen a post or two that shared such information but which was later verified as a hoax.

The Bible speaks very strongly about lies. God — in His very nature — is truth and truth personified. He goes against all forms of lies and deception. Consequently, we as followers of Christ are cautioned to walk in wisdom, being careful to make sure that the information we receive is truthful, no matter how convincing and appealing the information is.

Matthew 24:4-5 says, "And Jesus answered them, 'See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray.'"

How can we, as Christians, respond in wisdom to fake news and deception? The most urgent response would be to discern truth from lies. The best way to be aware of what is truth and what is deception is to abide in Christ. John 14:6 says, "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"

When we abide in Christ, we walk in His wisdom and His love. With Christ in us, we can walk in the discernment of the Holy Spirit acting in love towards one another and living a life that honours God.

There are many ways to tell truth from lies. We can verify, research, cross check references, confirm, ask for the opinion of industry experts, and so on. But the basis of all truth is and has always been Christ. To know Christ is to know truth. Hence, to walk with Him and grow in Him is the best way to steer clear of deception.

There is a prevalent need for the truth to shine forth today, and that gives us an urgency to remain in Christ and seek His truth. Only then can we remain safe in God as our refuge from the lies and deception of this world.