'Fallout 4' Easter Eggs: Pop-culture references scattered across the Wasteland

"Fallout 4"Bethesda Softworks

"Fallout 4" grants players entry into a fictional and wide open world filled with equal parts wonder and terror, but along the way, there are also some Easter eggs to remind players that the game's creators are just taking inspiration from the world everyone else is in.

The people working at Bethesda Softworks are known to be big fans of author H.P. Lovecraft's work, and that is evident in the content they have included in some of their earlier games, according to Digital Trends.

In "Fallout 4," Bethesda yet again pays tribute to one of their favorite writers with the location known as the Dunwich Borers. The name Dunwich Borers is actually a reference to Lovecraft's work, known as "The Dunwich Horror," and similar to the story, the in-game location is also terrifying.

Upon approaching the Dunwich Borers, players will have to deal with numerous raiders gunning them down, but that's not even the scariest part. Upon entering the interior of the quarry, players will be greeted by the sudden vibration of their controllers as they walk into a winding tunnel burrowing deep into the Earth with only some lights offering guidance in the darkness. The secrets of the Dunwich Borers are worth discovering for "Fallout 4" players, and if nothing else, they can also get a bobblehead, magazine, and a unique weapon for braving the terrifying dungeon.

Another Easter egg inside "Fallout 4" pays tribute to one of the more memorable scenes in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," according to The Inquisitr.

In the movie, the titular character manages to emerge unscathed from a nuclear blast and a subsequent fall, thanks in large part to the presence of a nearby refrigerator. 

In "Fallout 4," players can stumble across a refrigerator located just south of University Point and find a boy who has also managed to survive the nuclear disaster that took place inside the game. Similar to Indiana Jones, the boy managed to survive the ordeal by virtue of finding refuge inside the refrigerator. Players can also undertake a quest involving the boy once they find him.

These are just a couple of the many Easter eggs located inside "Fallout 4" simply waiting for players to find them.