Angry parents object to Islamic lessons, quizzes given to their kids in US schools
When the Walton County, Georgia school board holds its meeting with parents on Oct. 10, hundreds of parents are expected to vent their fury regarding the quizzes being given to their middle-school children concerning the Islamic religious beliefs.
The quizzes are part of the students' social studies subject, but parents do not think the lessons are appropriate because students have been asked to answer questions related to the five pillars of Islam. They are even taught that the Quran is the "holy" book of Muslims, according to WND.
Moreover, students are taught about the Islamic conversion prayer called the "shahada," which states that, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."
Nothing upset the parents more than the fact that students taking the quiz get the "correct" mark when they answer that the Muslim god Allah is the "same god" that is worshiped by Christians and Jews.
What is unfair, the parents said, is that Islam is being studied in detail while the study of Christianity is not given the same treatment. To voice their concerns, the parents formed a Facebook page called Georgia's Islamic Curriculum. They already have 2,846 members who are strongly opposing the school system's lessons on religion. "To change the situation we must start somewhere," they wrote in their page.
"I believe my children are my responsibility, and I believe I need to be the one teaching them what we believe instead of the school," Bill Green also told News 95.5.
This is actually not the first case of parents complaining about the Common Core curriculum of public schools. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) earlier warned that there is already "Islamic indoctrination" in American schools.
"The indoctrination of students with the precepts of converting to Islam and forcing them to recite 'Allah is the only God' aren't 'sensitive topics;' it's unconstitutional," they said. "It is a clear constitutional principle that public education may not indoctrinate young minds into a religion. Teachers and schools may teach what different faith traditions believe and how that has affected world history and geography. But a school cannot censor Christianity and promote Islam."