3 Ways Your Relationship With God Helps Your Relationships at Work


A growing, intimate relationship with God greatly affects each and every relationship that a Christian has. Whether it's a relationship with family, friends, colleagues, or pretty much anybody, it will surely benefit when the person related to them is in love with God.

A connection with God helps a person improve his outlook, change his attitudes, and redefine how he sees his relationships with other people. God's work in his life enables him to work towards healing broken but vital relationships, deepening healthy ties, and cutting off sinful and unhealthy ones. These relationships include those of the working people.

Here are some ways an intimate relationship with God helps your relationships with people in your workplace.

1. A Relationship With God Helps Develop One's Character

The more we see God and behold His glory, the more we become transformed into His likeness (see 2 Corinthians 3:18).

The more we spend time with God in His presence, getting to know Him through His Word, the more we will develop a godly character in us.

This godly character that develops in us is a reflection of God's character impression on us. Because of our relationship with Him, we can show others who He is.

2. A Relationship With God Helps Us Prioritise

Knowing what matters to God helps a Christian prioritise well. When a person knows and follows what God wants him to do, he learns to do what is important and necessary, while learning how to ignore or set aside what is unimportant.

Paul said in Philippians 1:9-10, "For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God."

Knowing well what matters to God and living by it enables us to live pure and blameless lives, including how we relate to our co-workers and bosses.

3. A Relationship With God Helps Us Set Boundaries in Relation to Our Co-Workers

A relationship with God also reminds one of the things that we must do, and what we must avoid doing. Our relationship with God is greatly affected when we either prioritise other people instead of Him; or compromise and commit sin in pleasing others.

Thus, a desire to protect one's relationship with God will push a person to set up boundaries for safety against sin and other damaging things. This behavior will also influence your co-workers to think twice before doing something they might regret. (see Philippians 1:3)