14 pound baby born in Florida after surprice pregnancy [VIDEO]: Avery born at 14.1 pounds, among largest in state

St. Joseph's Women's Hospital

A woman has given birth to a giant 14 pound baby in Florida, stunning doctors and nurses at the hospital. The mother was already in a state of shock after only finding out in her third trimester that she was pregnant at all.

New mum for the third time, Maxxzandra Ford, explained to local TV Station WFLA how the pregnancy went completely under the radar almost until the end. She said her "feet never swelled, never was really that tired, my back didn't hurt so obviously I didn't think anything of it."

She does admit that she felt she was inexplicably gaining some weight last fall, and that's when doctors told her she was expecting, and that amazingly she was already eight months along.

Ford already has a five year old daughter and one year old son, and it seems there were some signs from those previous pregnancies giving a hint of the unique birth this time around; her older children were born at nine and 10 pounds.

She did initially think that she could be expecting twins, and she had to endure a grueling 18 hours in labour before she finally managed to deliver the newborn naturally at St. Joseph's Women's Hospital in Tampa on Jan. 29.

Ford has named her newborn, who was a whopping 14.1 pounds, Avery. She is the heaviest baby ever born at the hospital, and is also among the largest ever born in Florida state.

Speaking about her marathon stint in labour, Ford says, "I was cussing up a storm. I was like, 'Oh my goodness,' and they were like 'Stop pushing. Stop pushing'."

She added, "When I felt his head come out I knew he was bigger than 10 pounds."

Baby Avery was born with a full head of hair, and has been initially placed in the neonatal intensive care unit, but is expected to be released home soon.