Understanding of jihad muddled because of multitude of conflicting materials

Students who enroll on the course will study the holy texts of different world faiths.Reuters

Theologian and book author James R. White says interpretations of jihad can be quite muddled because of the varied understandings and multitude of materials from the Koran.

In a video post, White said that the conflict in the interpretation of the Koran lies with the fact that there is a great volume of materials and a variety of interpretations.

He cited the hadith, which is a collection of sayings and teachings of Muhammad and his companions which has nine and eight volumes respectively as a prime example.

"My concern is when you get radicalized Muslims and non radicalized Muslims debating these issues, which they do and the radicalized ones have much more oil money and hence bigger presence out there, what you have is they end up having to debate out of that hadith material and I can tell you one thing, having listened to all of it -- its not consistent in itself," he said.

The problem with these debates is that the opposing parties take portions of the hadith that is favourable to them and the opposing party takes on a different element of the hadith so conflict ensues.

"There's really no self corrective mechanism in Islam to be able to answer these questions and come to a final conclusion as to what the Islamic perspective is," he said.

Last week, Dr.Nabeel Qureshi, author of "Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward" wrote a column for USA Today, saying that it is the literal interpretation of the Koran without the aid of Imams that is the cause of radicalisation among Muslims.

He said that this practice, especially in the internet age, is very dangerous as it exposes Muslims to the violence in the text of the Koran without proper context.