The Gospel Coalition removes controversial 'black husband' blog

The Gospel Coalition has removed a controversial blog from its website in which a woman shared her reaction when her white daughter married a black man.


Author Gaye Clarke said when she prayed for a "godly, kind" husband for her daughter, she "hadn't counted on God sending an African-American with dreads named Glenn".

She went on to offer an eight-step guide of how to deal with the situation, including advice to "rejoice in all things".

Clarke was widely criticised online, with commentators saying she had failed to understand her prejudices against the black community.

However, upon Clarke's request, The Gospel Coalition (TGC) – a "fellowship of evangelical churches" founded by Tim Keller and DA Carson – has now removed the article from its website.

In a tweet, Clarke said she was "profoundly grieved over the hurt and harm" her post had caused, and asked for prayers.

TGC has since posted an audio conversation in which three African American leaders, including TGC editor Jason Cook, reflect on Clarke's article, "the ensuing backlash, and lessons to be learned".

"An article intended to celebrate God's work in this family's life also became an occasion for hurt and pain. Understandable frustration and constructive concern was not the only response. Sadly, white supremacists have threatened the author and her family," TGC said.

"We invite you to listen to the conversation to understand TGC's editorial process, what we could have done better, what we can learn going forward, and more."