Rome's Chief Exorcist Says Demonic Interference 'Can Lead To Confusion About One's Gender'

A priest performs an exorcism rite.Reuters

Demonic interference always impacts negatively on people's lives. Father Gabriele Amorth, who served as the chief exorcist of Rome, even said that diabolic possession "can lead to confusion about one's gender."

Amorth, who wrote a new book called "An Exorcist Explains the Demonic: The Antics of Satan and His Army of Fallen Angels," passed away at 91 years old last month, according to Life Site News. While he was still promoting his book, he warned that the young are particularly susceptible to the devil's tricks.

The founder of International Association of Exorcists even said that disordered ideas about one's gender, especially in children, are a sign of torment from the devil.

He warned that many of the devil's "ordinary" temptations are now being passed off as "modern ideas." In truth, the devil's purpose is to "unhinge the principles of the faith." Some of these temptations include same-sex marriage, abortion, euthanasia, divorce, and cohabitation.

"The loss of a sense of sin that characterises our era helps Satan to act nearly undisturbed and, inducing man to sin, takes man progressively away from the love of God," Amorth said in his book.

One of the biggest tricks the devil makes people believe is that "everyone does it," so sin becomes acceptable. But Amorth argued that these sins only serve to "weaken the consciences of men and women and lead them toward closing their hearts, egoism, lack of forgiveness, and doing everything for money, power, and sex."

"Everything that seduces and enslaves souls leads to their death, which is Satan's objective," Amorth added. As tempting as these sins might be, the late exorcist said indulging in them comes with a terrible price.

"Today, families are among the most targeted by the ordinary action of Satan," said Amorth. To fight Satan's deceptions, Amorth said that married couples must pray together with their children to be ample to equip them with God's armour.